And so it goes-

Forgive and Remember

Walking through each moment anticipating each step can lead to unnecessary worry. If one wonders if ” should I” or “can I” too often then one is left with needless stress. Sure, deep consideration is needed and the pro’s and con’s weighed- but sometimes one must take life as it comes, make choices even difficult ones in a moment. Outcomes will be what outcomes will be -sometimes faith is all we have left when reason causes an unreasonable amount of worry….

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Published by: The Curve

When I was younger, I dreamed of becoming a writer. There was something magical about learning, listening and discovering -or uncovering the details about people, places and things. Embracing the mysteries that surround the human condition and seeking answers as to who, what, where, when and most of all WHY. Why are we all racing around but seemingly standing still? Who influences or motivates us? Where are we going and are we ever going to get there (wherever that is)? What is holding us back or pushing us forward? When are we all going to get there? As a life-long learner and educator, I too am seeking. As a poet, I attempt to express humor, contempt, hope and faith in all of my writings. I am a seeker of understanding, and artist of life. What I illustrate is at times raw, painful, and shocking, but it based on observation, discourse, and experience. I am riding the road and taking a journey, at times its long and straight, bumpy, and full of curves. Take a ride with me and share the journey! Hold on tightly, its going to be one hell of a ride!

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